paradise lost, 26 and 27 sept 2013

so yesterday we finally left our perfect island and headed back to jolly harbor as our visas where expiring today and we had paperwork to pick up. we left a bit behind schedule but had an amazing sail over. i wanted to make sure we got in before customs closed so we could leave first thing in the am.

alas this was not to be we arrived at 315pm but by the time aimee got over to check out at 330 the customs person was gone for the day, the new meaning for island time. i was a bit bummed but in the end we ended up meeting some old and friends at the bar and then having more rum and cokes back at palapa with our lawyer friend stuart and an auzi dude taking a sailing course.

this left us in no positing for an early start which was just as well because customs did not actually open until 10am. we spent some extra time talking to stuart about registering palapa in Antigua so we can do chartering here and by the time we got out of dodge it was too late to make it to barbuda by dark.

we picked another anchorage on the west coast and where treated to the most amazing sunset we have seen in a while. and yes we got a chance to see another green flash, always a treat! no photo as i wanted to actually enjoy the phenoma.


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