so i was able to finish up the head first thing without too much pain. i must say i highly recommend this raritan model. even better than the vacu-flush, larry, quieter, minimal water and no extra vacuum tank. i added a switch to give flush dry function but normally you just press the push button for about 5 seconds and woosh! everything is gone with pressure fresh water flush!
i spent the rest of the day working on various other projects including rewiring the 12 volt outlet i added for the cockpit engel freezer. aimee spent the day outside cleaning the boat so i was trapped below working on the never ending list of “fixes” and upgrades. finally around 5pm i was able to get access to the cockpit again and started on the engel.
the manufactures rep is convinced it is now the “control knob” causing the problem so i had to take the condenser assembly back out and reinstall the old one. this is a major pain as it is the whole cooling part, everything minus the power supply. i measured the power while disassembled and got 16 volts ac on the compressor. i am thinking i may actually have a power problem, will see how much a power supply is.
by the time the engel was back together we had missed the wine tasting on the dock so i made us my bacon mac and cheese specialty. while aimee finished up our custom tervis, coozy and sticker order.