Back in the water BBQ Hog Island – 18 Aug

so we had planned to do a BBQ as soon as we got back in the water but we had too many loose ends to finish up. we where one bay over taking advantage of the fast internet and of course since i am working now i was on the phone most of the day and only got off at 5 so we where actually lat to our own party. fortunately it was a short motor around and our friends where a bit later!

amanda brought a great sushi spread, jen brought some delicious Mediterranean dip thing, aimee made here antipasto appetizer plate for starters. i made my new “healthy” standard; sausage, grilled eggplant and grilled chicken with custom hot sauce. we thought we would have WAY too much food but somehow we managed to eat it all. nate even sent his brother over to represent him! he is going to med shcool here in grenada and is even more fun than nate and arrived with a great bottle of rum

amanda and jason offered nate’s brother (yes i forgot his name sorry) a ride home pointing out since they had kids they would be leaving “early” or course this did not happen. aimee anded up entertaining the 2 boys down below and eventually had to lock herself in the fwd cabin to get a break from the “action”. the party did eventually end and everyone made it home although there was a bit of dingy touring looking for the correct dock to drop nate’s brother off on.

Cheers, Roger


  1. Hi Roger,
    Good work on the bottom. La Palapa looks fine without the boot stripe.
    Regards, Gerry

    • hi gerry

      thanks, it was a lot of work to move the waterline up but i think the boat looks even better now. and is much faster! thanks again for all the advice on all the palapa projects!
