today i took Aimee and jen into shore for a bus to town for provisioning. jen really likes to get started early and they actually ended up at the market before 8 and before it opened. i used the time to do some work work on palapa. this work is not to be confused with the “boat” work that keeps me occupied the rest of the time.
the girls returned from hillsdale, the main town, and reported it was a bit of a bust, nothing better than what they had right in our little cove. i spent most of the day on board but ventured over to the “turtle” to join aimee for an afternoon beer after here paddle board excursion. we finished the day with a nice romantic sunset dinner. it was good to finally have a “down” day but i think we made plans to have a multi boat palapa happy hour manana!
cheers – Roger
nice hair Knight Rider!