Waka Irie Day sail to St George – 13 Aug

we blasted over to waka irie in the tiki and wasted no time breaking out the cold beer and getting the dinghies tied up and under way.

we had a super relaxing sail over. always great to be on someone else’s boat. sietse complained a bit about the rolling but we where right at home so happy to be on an actual floating boat!

i did have a work call, yes it looks like i am working again, will be even better if i can get paid again, stay tuned.

we arrived back in st george’s and anchored where we had arrived in Grenada a few weeks ago. it seems like a lifetime with everything that has transpired!

we headed to shore to watch the festivities …

cheers, Roger

1 Comment

  1. Ah!!! A little down time. Definately earned!!!